Anti-Ant Hack

If you’ve got ants and you’re looking for a natural form of pest control, try measuring out a cup of popcorn kernels. Put them in a blender on high speed for about thirty seconds and you’ll end up with a batch of fresh homemade cornmeal. Just make a few piles around the ant trails, and within a few days, your ant problems will literally disappear.

Covert Container

When you’re at the beach, reduce the chances of things getting stolen by making a covert container. Just take your old shampoo bottle and twist the top so that it pops right off. Clean it out and cut a hole in the top that’s just big enough to stash your valuable items inside. Now you can snap the top back on and your items are perfectly concealed. Anyone who sees this will just think it’s a shampoo bottle, and chances are, nobody wants to steal your shampoo.

Soda Cans and Straws

Have you ever noticed that when you put a straw in a can of soda, it doesn’t want to stay? Try bending the tab of the can over the hole and sliding your straw down through the tab. No more floating straws, because now it’s held in place.

Fruit Fly Hack

It’s the season for fruit flies, so before they take over your kitchen, slice a few pieces of banana and mix them with some of your leftover mango peels. Find a couple of small containers and add the fruit. Now just stretch a piece of plastic wrap over the top and use something like the tip of a chopstick to poke a small hole in the center that’s just bigger than the fly. Now you can set it and forget about it. Within a few minutes, the flies will be checking things out, and once one goes in, you can be sure his friends will follow. Within a couple of days, they’ll all be having a rocking fruit party. And now you can simply take the lid of the container and press it on, sealing them inside. Now you are the lord of the flies.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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